In reaction to the Marshall Mcluhan tetrad task
‘The truth shall you make free.’
Marshall Mcluhan’s life was dedicated to showing men the truth above the world they live in and the hidden consequences of the technologies he develops. He famously coined the expression, ‘medium is the message’.
A tetrad is a means of examining the effect of a medium on society by dividing its effects into four categories and displaying them simultaneously.
The latest technological advancement like social computing is the extension of human communication and collaboration regardless of time frame in business world, educational world like Wiki. Personal broadcasting is the extension of speech, sight and auditory senses. Cellular phone is the extension of communication. Educational gaming also is the extension of activity and imagination. Augmented reality and Enhanced Visualization is the extension of view of inward and outward. Context aware environments and devices are the extensions of instantly accommodated needs.
After reading all tetrad task and class discussion, I realize that there are four stages of revolution process of technological developments- At First, Extension or enhancement of human need or desire. It is called figure qualities, the amplification of practical solutions to known problem. Second stage is Obsolete, unexpected and new problems arise when a medium is amplified too much. It is called ground qualities. Third stage is retrieval-the recovery of old values, transition of ground to figure. How technology brings back enjoyment or experience in different ways. Fourth is the too much of extension of technology ultimately fail to give us the optimum human needs- the erosion of contemporary values and transition to figure to ground. Therefore, eventually, all latest technological advancement from social computing to Context Aware environments will have to go through these four processes or evaluation.
The Horizon Report. (2006). The New Media Consortium & the Educase Learning Initiative. California, USA
Mcluhan (1964) Understanding media. New York, N.Y. McGraw-Hill
Mcluhan (1967) The Medium is the message.
Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1994
‘The truth shall you make free.’
Marshall Mcluhan’s life was dedicated to showing men the truth above the world they live in and the hidden consequences of the technologies he develops. He famously coined the expression, ‘medium is the message’.
A tetrad is a means of examining the effect of a medium on society by dividing its effects into four categories and displaying them simultaneously.
The latest technological advancement like social computing is the extension of human communication and collaboration regardless of time frame in business world, educational world like Wiki. Personal broadcasting is the extension of speech, sight and auditory senses. Cellular phone is the extension of communication. Educational gaming also is the extension of activity and imagination. Augmented reality and Enhanced Visualization is the extension of view of inward and outward. Context aware environments and devices are the extensions of instantly accommodated needs.
After reading all tetrad task and class discussion, I realize that there are four stages of revolution process of technological developments- At First, Extension or enhancement of human need or desire. It is called figure qualities, the amplification of practical solutions to known problem. Second stage is Obsolete, unexpected and new problems arise when a medium is amplified too much. It is called ground qualities. Third stage is retrieval-the recovery of old values, transition of ground to figure. How technology brings back enjoyment or experience in different ways. Fourth is the too much of extension of technology ultimately fail to give us the optimum human needs- the erosion of contemporary values and transition to figure to ground. Therefore, eventually, all latest technological advancement from social computing to Context Aware environments will have to go through these four processes or evaluation.
The Horizon Report. (2006). The New Media Consortium & the Educase Learning Initiative. California, USA
Mcluhan (1964) Understanding media. New York, N.Y. McGraw-Hill
Mcluhan (1967) The Medium is the message.
Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1994
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